Phone: +90 312 297 7983
Fax: +90 312 297 6084
Email: denizli [at]
Place of Birth: Ankara
Marital status: Married, (Dr. Fatma Denizli) and 1 child (Alp Denizli)
Foreign Language: English
Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi, Kimya Bölümü,
Biyokimya Anabilim Dalı, Beytepe, Ankara
1986 En İyi Sunum Ödülü, ANKEM Antibiyotik ve Kemoterapi Kongresi,
1998 Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu (TÜBİTAK), Teşvik Ödülü, Mühendislik Bilimleri
1999- Asosiye Üye, Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Üyesi,
2006 Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu (TÜBİTAK), Bilim Ödülü, Mühendislik Bilimleri
2006 Popüler Bilim Dergisi, Temel Bilim Ödülü
2007 Hacettepe Üniversitesi'nde En Çok Yayın Yapan Bilim Adamı,
(1995-2005 COMSTECH, OIC Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Corporation, Islamabad, Pakistan)
2007 Türkiye'de En Çok Yayın Yapan 3. Bilim Adamı,
(1995-2005 COMSTECH, OIC Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Corporation, Islamabad, Pakistan)
2007 Asli Üye, Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Üyesi
2010 En Çok Atıf Alan Makale (2008-2009) Journal of Chromatography A, Elsevier
2012 Hacettepe Üniversitesi’ninEn Çok Yayın Yapan Bilim Adamı, Elsevier Yayınevi
2013 Asli Üye, Bilim Akademisi Üyesi
2014 Mükemmel Hakemlik Ödülü, Colloids and Surfaces B, Elsevier Yayınevi
2014 En İyi Buluş Ödülü, Ege Üniversitesi
(Endokrin Bozucu Kimyasalların Arıtılması için Kullanılan Nanoteknolojik Malzeme Üretimi, S. Akgöl, R. Hilal Şenay, A. Denizli)
2014 Başarı Hikayeleri, ARDEB, TÜBİTAK
2016 Bilime Katkı Ödülü, Hacettepe Üniversitesi
2016 Hacettepe Üniversitesi’ninEn Üretken Bilim İnsanı, Elsevier Yayınevi
2016 Dünyada En Çok Atıf Alan ilk 150 Araştırmacı (Kimya Mühendisliği), Shanghai Ranking’s Global
2017 Bilime Yön Veren 100 Türk, Turkishtime Dergisi
2019 Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tarihinde En Üretken ve En Çok Atıf Alan Bilim İnsanı
2019 Altın Madalya, ISIF’19 – Türk Patent, İstanbul
2020 DünyadaEn Etkili Bilim İnsanları Arasında, PLoS Biology 2019
2021 Kimya Bilimine Yön Veren 100 Türk, Turkishtime Dergisi (8. Sırada)
2021 Dünyanın En İyi 10 Bin Bilim İnsanı Arasında, AD Scientific Index
2021 Bronz Madalya, ISIF’21 – Türk Patent, İstanbul
2022 Chemistry in Turkey Leader Award (National Ranking 5th)
2023 Dünyanın En İyi Bin Bilim İnsanı Arasında, AD Scientific Index
2023 Türk Proje Yöneticiliği Mesleğe Katkı M. Cem Mekik Onur Ödülü, Türk Proje Yönetim Meslek Enstitüsü
2023 Chemistry in Turkey Leader Award (National Ranking 5th)
Chromatography Congresses
Affinity Techniques Congresses
Courses and Summer Courses
İlköğretim ve Lise
Üniversite ve Diğer Kamu Kuruluşları
Panel - Moderatör
Yüksek Lisans
Doktora Sonrası
Visiting Students
Saylan, Y., Denizli, A., Fundamentals and Applications of Molecularly Imprinted Systems, in: Molecular Imprinting for Nanosensors and Other Sensing Applications,A. Denizli, ed., Chapter 1, pp. 1-17, Elsevier, 2021.
Keçili, R., Denizli, A., Molecular Imprinting Based Smart Nanosensors for Pharmaceutical Applications, Molecular Imprinting for Nanosensors and Other Sensing Applications,A. Denizli, ed., Chapter 2, pp. 19-43, Elsevier, 2021.
Çimen, D., Topçu, A.A., Özbek, M.A., Bereli, N., Denizli, A., Molecular Imprinted Sensors for Ion-Sensing, Molecular Imprinting for Nanosensors and Other Sensing Applications,A. Denizli, ed., Chapter 4, pp. 69-92, Elsevier, 2021.
İdil, N., Bakhshpour, M., Perçin, I., Mattiasson, B., Denizli, A., Molecular Imprinting-Based Sensing Platforms for Recognition of Microorganisms, Molecular Imprinting for Nanosensors and Other Sensing Applications,A. Denizli, ed., Chapter 10, pp. 255-281, Elsevier, 2021.
Akgönüllü, S., Yavuz, H., Denizli, A., Molecularly Imprinted Based Sensors for Detection of Allergens, Molecular Imprinting for Nanosensors and Other Sensing Applications,A. Denizli, ed., Chapter 12, pp. 309-334, Elsevier, 2021.
Qureshi, T., Denizli, A., Molecular Imprinted Polymer Composites in Separation Science, in: Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Composites - Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, M.P. Sooraj, A.S. Nair, B. Mathew, S. Thomas, eds., Chapter 10, pp. 267-282, Elsevier, 2021.
Bakhshpour, M., Aslıyüce, S., İdil, N., Mattiasson, B., Denizli, A., Molecular Imprinted Nanocomposites for Green Chemistry, in: Green Composites, Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials,S. Thomas and P. Balakrishnan, eds., Chapter 22, pp. 571-598, Springer-Nature, 2021.
Bereli, N., Çimen, D., Yavuz, H., Denizli, A., Sensors for the Detection of Heavy Metal Contaminants in Water and Environment, in: Nanosensors for Environment, Food and Agriculture, Vol.1, V. Kumar, P. Guleria, S. Ranjan, N. Dasgupta and E. Lichtfouse eds., Chapter 1, pp. 1-21, Springer Nature, 2021.
Çimen, D., Bereli, N., Yavuz, H., Denizli, A., Sensors for the Detection of Food Contaminants, in: Nanosensors for Environment, Food and Agriculture, Vol.1, V. Kumar, P. Guleria, S. Ranjan, N. Dasgupta, and E. Lichtfouse eds., Chapter 8, pp. 169-182, Springer Nature, 2021.
Qureshi, T., Türkmen, D., Denizli, A., Current Trends of Plasmonic Nanosensors Use in Agriculture, in: Biosensors in Agriculture: Recent Trends and Future Perspectives, R.N. Pudake, U. Jain, C. Kole, eds., Chapter 6, pp. 97-113, Springer Nature, 2021.
Saylan, Y., Yılmaz, F., Denizli, A., Nanobiosensors for Biomedical Applications, in: Nanotechnology Applications in Health and Environmental Sciences, Nanotechnology in the Life Sciences,N. Sağlam, F. Korkusuz, R. Prasad, eds., pp. 147-157, Springer-Nature, 2021.
Gür, S.D., Bakhshpour, M., Denizli, A., Applications of Microbes in Bioremediation of Water Pollutants, in: Recent Advances in Microbial Degradation, Environmental and Microbial Biotechnology, Inamuddin, M.I. Ahamed, R. Prasad, eds., pp. 465-483, Springer Nature, 2021.
Saylan, Y., Denizli, A., Highly Sensitive and Selective Plasmonic Sensing Platforms,in: Plasmonic Sensors and Their Applications, A. Denizli, ed., pp. 55-69, Wiley-VCH,Weinheim, Germany, 2021.
Akgönüllü, S., Saylan, Y., Bereli, N., Türkmen, D., Yavuz, H., Denizli, A., Plasmonic Sensors for Detection of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents,in: Plasmonic Sensors and Their Applications, A. Denizli, ed., pp. 71-85, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2021.
İdil, N., Bakhshpour, M., Aslıyüce, S., Denizli, A., Mattiasson, B.,A Plasmonic Sensing Platform Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Medical Applications,in: Plasmonic Sensors and Their Applications, A. Denizli, ed., pp. 87-102, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2021.
Çimen, D., Özbek, M.A., Bereli, N., Denizli, A., Proteomic Applications of Plasmonic Sensors,in: Plasmonic Sensors and Their Applications, A. Denizli, ed., pp. 137-156, Wiley-VCH,Weinheim, Germany, 2021.
Bakhshpour, M., Özsevgiç, M., Pişkin, A.K., Denizli, A., Cancer Cell Recognition via Sensors System,in: Plasmonic Sensors and Their Applications, A. Denizli, ed., pp. 157-170, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2021.
Qureshi, T., Çetin, K., Denizli, A., Carbon Nanomaterials as Plasmonic Sensors in Biotechnological and Biomedical Applications,in: Plasmonic Sensors and Their Applications, A. Denizli, ed., pp. 209-219, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2021.
Çimen, D., Bereli, N., Kartal, F., Denizli, A., Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Based Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensor for the Clinical Detection of Insulin,in: Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology 2359, A.M. Esteban, ed, pp. 209-222, Humana Press, 2021.
Akgönüllü, S., Bakhshpour, M., Denizli, A., Molecular Imprinted Bionanomaterials and Their Biomedical Applications, in: Bionanomaterials: Fundamentals and Biomedical Applications, R.P. Singh, K.R.B. Singh, eds., pp. 9-1 to 9-27, IOP Publishing Ltd, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2021.
Aşır, S., Bakhshpour, M., Ünal, S., Denizli, A., Nanoparticle Based Plasmonic Devices for Bacteria and Virus Recognition, Modern Practical Healthcare Issues in Biomedical Instrumentation, D.U. Özşahin and İ. Özşahin, eds., pp. 167-183, Elsevier, 2021.
Yavuz, H., Bereli, N., Denizli, A., Extracorporeal Affinity Systems and Immunoadsorption Therapies, in: Nanotechnology for Hematology, Blood Transfusion, and Artificial Blood, A. Denizli, T.A. Nguyen, M. Rajan, M.F. Alam,K. Rahman,eds., pp. 41-55, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands,2021.
Saylan, Y., Akgönüllü, S., Denizli, A., Nanosensors for Medical Diagnosis, in: Nanotechnology for Hematology, Blood Transfusion, and Artificial Blood, A. Denizli,T.A. Nguyen, M. Rajan, MF. Alam,K. Rahman,eds., pp. 196-213, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands,2021.
Çalışır, M., Göktürk, I., Türkmen, D., Yılmaz, F., Denizli, A., Utility of Nanobiosensors in Agriculture, in: Bionanomaterials for Environmental and Agricultural Applications, R.P. Singh, K.R.B. Singh, eds., pp.4-1 to 4-31, IOP Publishing, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2021.
Saylan, Y., Denizli, A., Optical Biosensors for Virus Detection, in: Biosensors for Virus Detection, A. Denizli and Y. Saylan, eds., pp. 2-1 to 2-20, IOP Publishing, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2021.
Akgönüllü, S., Denizli, A., Piezoelectric Biosensors for Virus Detection, in: Biosensors for Virus Detection, A. Denizli and Y. Saylan, eds., pp. 4-1 to 4-18, IOP Publishing, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2021.
Akgönüllü, S., Bakhshpour, M., Saylan, Y., Denizli, A., Virus-Based Nanocarriers for Targeted Drug Delivery,in: Viral and Antiviral Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties, Characterization and Application, D. Thangadurai, S. Islam, C.O. Adetunji, eds., CRC Press, Florida, USA, 2022.
Akgönüllü, S., Koyun, S., Yavuz, H., Erdem, A., Denizli, A., Preparation of Surface Plasmon Resonance Aptasensor for Human Activated Protein C Sensing, in: Biomedical Engineering Technologies, Volume 1, M.R. Ossandon, H. Baker, A. Rasooly, eds.,pp. 37-56, Humana Press, 2022.
Bakhshpour, M., Pişkin, A.K., Yavuz, H., Denizli, A., Preparation of Notch-4 Receptor Containing Quartz Crystal Microbalance Biosensor forMDA MB 231 Cancer Cell Detection, in: Biomedical Engineering Technologies, Volume 1, M.R. Ossandon, H. Baker, A. Rasooly, eds., pp. 515-533, Springer Nature, 2022.
Bereli, N., Çalışır, M., Çimen, D., Bakhshpour, M., Denizli, A., Nanosensors for Controlled Release Fertilizer, in: Nanosensors for Smart Agriculture, Micro and Nano Technologies Series, A. Denizli, T.A. Nguyen, S. Rajendran, G. Yasin, A.K. Nadda, eds., pp. 431-447Elsevier, 2022.
Tamahkar, E., Topçu, A.A., Perçin, I., Aslıyüce, S., Denizli, A., Bacterial Cellulose Nanofibers for Separation, Drug Delivery, Wound Dressing, and Tissue Engineering Applications, in: Nanocellulose Materials: Fabrication and Industrial Applications, R. Oraon, D. Rawtani, P. Singh, C.M. Hussain, eds., pp. 1-20, Elsevier, 2022.
Çimen, D., Göktürk, I., Çalışır, M., Yılmaz, F., Denizli, A., Nano-biosorbents for Contaminant Removal: An Introduction, in: Nanobiosorbents for Decontamination of Water, Air and Soil Pollution, A. Denizli, N. Ali, M. Bilal, A. Khan, T.A. Nguyen, eds.,pp. 3-28, Elsevier, 2022.
Göktürk, I., Çimen, D., Özbek, M.A, Yılmaz, F., Denizli, A., Cellulose-Based Nanobiosorbents: An Insight,in:Nanobiosorbents for Decontamination of Water, Air and Soil Pollution, A. Denizli, N. Ali, M. Bilal, A. Khan, T.A. Nguyen, eds., pp. 251-273, Elsevier, 2022.
Saylan, Y., Akgönüllü, S., Bereli, N., Yavuz, H., Denizli, A., Scaling up of Biosensors for Clinical Applications and Commercialization, in: Advanced Biosensors for Virus Detection: Smart Diagnostics to Combat SARS-CoV-2, R. Khan, A. Parihar, A. Kaushik, A. Kumar, eds., pp. 407-421, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands,2022.
Saylan, Y., Yavuz, H., Denizli, A., Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Based Biosensors for Clinical Applications, in: Emerging Technologies in Biophysical Sciences: A World Scientific Reference, Volume 3: Emerging Technologies for Diagnostics, U. Demirci, F. İnci, S.Q. Wang, eds., World Scientific, 2022 (baskıda).
Perçin, I., İdil, N., Denizli, A., Preparation of Molecularly Imprinted Poly(N-Isopropyl-acrylamide) Thermosensitive Based Cryogels, in: Affinity Chromatography, Methods and Protocols, B. Vijayalakshmi Ayyar, S. Arora, eds, pp. 249-260, Humana Press, 2022.
Aslıyüce, S., Mattiasson, B., Denizli, A., Preparation of Staphylococcal Protein A Imprinted Supermacroporous Cryogel Beads, in: Affinity Chromatography, Methods and Protocols, B. Vijayalakshmi Ayyar, S. Arora, eds, pp. 261-273, Humana Press, 2022 (baskıda).
Topcu, A.A., Özgür, E., Denizli, A., Conducting Polymers for Gene Delivery, in: Conducting Polymers: Chemistries, Properties and Biomedical Applications, R. Gupta, ed., pp. 121-134, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL,2022.
Çalışır, M., Bereli, N., Vargel, İ., Denizli, A., Conducting Polymers for Regenerative Medicine, in: Conducting Polymers: Chemistries, Properties and Biomedical Applications, R.K. Gupta, ed., pp. 135-147, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2022.
Akgönüllü, S., Denizli, A., Nano-sensor and Nano-devices for Biological Disaster Monitoring Virus/Disease Epidemics/Animal Plaques Detections, in: Nanotechnology Based Smart Remote Sensing Networks for Disaster Prevention, A. Denizli, M.S. Alencar, T.A. Nguyen, D.E. Motaung, eds.,pp. 43-57, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands,2022 (baskıda).
Saylan, Y., Akgönüllü, S., Özgür, E., Denizli, A., Nanosensors for Smartphone Enabled Sensing Devices, in: Nanotechnology Based Smart Remote Sensing Networks for Disaster Prevention, A. Denizli, M.S. Alencar, T.A. Nguyen, D.E. Motaung, eds., pp. 85-104, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands,2022.
Yılmaz, G.E., Göktürk, I., Safran, V., Yılmaz, F., Denizli, A., Bioremediation of Pesticides Using Microbial Consortium: Challenges and Future Perspectives, in: Pesticides Bioremediation, S. Siddiqui, M.K. Meghvansi, K.K. Chaudhary, eds., pp. 243-257, Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2022.
Bakhshpour, M., Göktürk, I., Gür, S.D., Yılmaz, F., Denizli, A., Sensor Applications for Detection in Agricultural Products, Foods and Water, in: Pesticides Bioremediation, S. Siddiqui, M.K. Meghvansi, K.K. Chaudhary, eds., pp. 311-352, Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2022.
Perçin, I., Bayrak, G., Keleş, A.F., Bereli, N., Denizli, A., Carbon Dots for Drug and Gene Delivery, in: Carbon Dots: Next Generation Material for Biomedical Applications, R.P. Singh, R. Khan, J. Singh, K.R.B. Singh, eds., pp. 7-1/7-20, IOP Publishing Limited, Bristol, UK, 2022.
Akgönüllü, S., Bakhshpour, M., Bereli, N., Denizli, A., Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Naked-Eye Detection of Environmental Pollutants, in: Nanobiosensors for Environmental Monitoring: Fundamentals and Application, R.P. Singh, K.E. Ukhurebor, J. Singh, C.O. Adetunji, K.R.B. Singh, eds., pp. 279-296, Springer Nature, 2022.
Özgür, E., Saylan, Y., Akgönüllü, S., Denizli, A., Mass Sensitive Based Biosensors, in: Biosensors: Fundamentals, Emerging Technologies, and Applications, S.A. Özkan, B. Uslu, M.K. Sezgintürk, eds., pp. 89-104, CRC Press, 2023.
Saylan, Y., Akgönüllü, S., Bereli, N., Denizli, A., Imprinted Polymers in Biosensors, in: Biosensors: Fundamentals, Emerging Technologies, and Applications, S.A. Özkan, B. Uslu, M.K. Sezgintürk, eds., pp. 123-133, CRC Press, 2023.
Akgönüllü, S., Çalışır, M., Özbek, M.A., Erkek, M., Bereli, N., Denizli, A., Plasmonic Nanosensors for Chemical Warfare Agents, in: Sensing of Deadly Toxic Chemical Warfare Agents, Nerve Agent Simulants, and Their Toxicological Aspects, S. Das, S. Thomas, P.P. Das, pp. 81-96, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands,2023.
Perçin, I., Bayrak, G., Keleş, A.F., Denizli, A., Antimicrobial Cryogels for Biomedical Use, in: Antimicrobials in Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Sequences, A. Gupta, R. Prasad, eds.,pp. 1-18, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL,2023.
Akgönüllü, S., Denizli, A., Recent Advances of Plasmonic Biosensors for the Detection of Food Allergens, in: Encyclopedia of Sensors and Biosensors, R. Narayan, ed.,Vol. 4, pp. 357-371, Elsevier, 2023.
Akgönüllü, S., Bakhshpour, M., Topçu, A.A., Bereli, N., Denizli, A., Molecularly Imprinted Polymeric Carriers for Controlled Drug Release, in: Novel Platforms for Drug Delivery Applications, S. Das, S. Thomas, and P.P. Das, eds., pp.85-103, Elsevier, 2023.
Çetin, K., Şarkaya, K., Denizli, A., Clinical Applications and Future Clinical Trials of the Drug Delivery System, in: Nanotechnology for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Sciences, R.P. Singh, J. Singh, K.R.B. Singh, C.O. Adetunji ed., pp. 259-294, Elsevier, 2023.
Yılmaz, E., Özgür, E., Akgönüllü, S., Özbek, M.A., Bereli, N., Yavuz, H., Denizli, A., Atomic Force Microscopy and Scaning Tunneling Microscopy of Live Cells, in: Biophysics at the Nanoscale: Applications of Functional Materials, Denizli, A., ed., pp. 183-202, Academic Press – Elsevier, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2024.
Saylan, Y., Gerdan, Z., Çalışır, M., Denizli, A., Nonomolecular Imprinted Templates for Virus Detection, in: Biophysics at the Nanoscale: Applications of Functional Materials, Denizli, A., ed., pp. 203-232, Academic Press – Elsevier, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2024.
Akgönüllü, S., Çimen, D., Göktürk, I., Yılmaz, G.E., Yılmaz, F., Denizli, A., Nanodevices and Nanomachines at the Nanoscale Biophysics, in: Biophysics at the Nanoscale: Applications of Functional Materials, Denizli, A., ed., pp. 233-261, Academic Press – Elsevier, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2024.
Ektirici, S., Jalilzade, M., Denizli, A., Türkmen, D., Life Cycle Assessment of Membranes for Removing Heavy Metals from Water and Wastewater, in: Membrane Technologies for Heavy Metal Removal from Water, Jaafar, J., Zaidi, A.A., Naseer, M.N., pp. 256-265, CRC Press, Boca Raton FL, 2024.
Özbek, M.A., Çalışır, M., Bereli, N., Denizli, A., DNA Biosensors, in: Organic and Inorganic Materials Based Sensors, S. Das, S. Thomas, P.P. Das, eds., pp. 369-381, Wiley VCH GmbH, Weinheim, Germany, 2024.
Akgönüllü, S., Göktürk, I., Erkek, M., Yılmaz, G.E., Yılmaz, F., Denizli, A., Green MIPs in Detection Stage of Analysis/Miniaturization of Devices, in: Green Imprinted Materials: From Design to Environmental and Food Applications, C.M. Hussain,R. Keçili, eds., Elsevier, pp. 361-386,2024.
Perçin, I., Tamahkar, E., İdil, N., Bayrak, G., Aslıyüce, S., Denizli, A., Functionalized Magnetic Nanosystems for Immobilization of Proteins and Enzymes, in: Functionalized Magnetic Nanosystems for Diagnostic Tools and Devices: Current and Emerging Research Trends, K. Deshmukh and C.M. Hussain, eds., pp. 291-326, Elsevier, 2024.
Göktürk, I., Güler, K.Ç., Derazshamshir, A., Yılmaz, F., Denizli, A., Potentialities of Nano-Silver-Based Thin Film Coatings for Medical Device and Implants, in: Next-Generation Antimicrobial Nanocoatings for Medical Devices and Implants, P.R. Solanki, P.V. Mohanan, R.P. Singh, J. Singh, A. Khosla, K.R.B. Singh, ed.,pp. 101-123, Elsevier, 2024.
Akgönüllü, S., Yavuz, H., Denizli, A., Introduction to Biological and Chemical Threat Agents, in: Plasmonic Nanosensors for Biological and Chemical Threats, A. Denizli, ed., pp. 1-13, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2024.
Topçu, A.A., Özbek, M.A., Yılmaz, G.E., Denizli, A., The Key Concepts of Plasmonic Nanosensors, in: Plasmonic Nanosensors for Biological and Chemical Threats, A. Denizli, ed., pp. 14-36, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2024.
Saylan, Y., Akgönüllü, S., Denizli, A., Plasmonic Nanosensors for Biological and Chemical Threat, in: Plasmonic Nanosensors for Biological and Chemical Threats, A. Denizli, ed., pp. 37-54, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2024.
Keçili, R., Denizli, A., The Application of Molecular Imprinting-Based Plasmonic Nanosensor Platforms for the Sensing of Chemical and Biological Threats, in: Plasmonic Nanosensors for Biological and Chemical Threats, A. Denizli, ed., pp. 206-225, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2024.
Ünal, S., Saylan, Y., Altıntaş, Ö., Kılıç, S., Denizli, A., Covid-19 Detection with Plasmonic Nanosensors, in: Plasmonic Nanosensors for Biological and Chemical Threats, A. Denizli, ed., pp. 273-288, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2024.
Topçu, A.A., Kılıç, S., Denizli, A., MXenes and Its Composites for Biomedical Applications, in: MXenes Next-Generation 2D Material: Fundamentals and Applications, J. Singh, K.R.B. Singh, R.P. Singh, C.O. Adetunji, eds., pp. 269-287, John Wiley & Sons, USA,2024.
Çalışır, M., Özgür, E., Çimen, D., Topçu, A.A., Bereli, N., Denizli, A., Nanobiosensors for Mycotoxin Detection in Foodstuff: Qualitative and Quantitative Assesments, in: Nanobiotechnology for Food Processing and Packaging, J. Singh, R.P. Singh, A.K. Kaushik, C.O. Adetunji, K.R.B. Singh, pp. 191-208, eds., Academic Press, 2024.
Göktürk, I., Saylan, Y., Yılmaz, F., Denizli, A., RNA Purification,in: Handbook of Molecular Biotechnology, D. Liu, ed., pp. 124-130, CRC Press, 2024.
Çimen, D., Denizli, A., Molecular Imprinting Technology for Monitoring of Environmental Contaminants, in: Recent Trends and Perspectives on Electrochemical Sensors for Environmental Monitoring, S.A. Özkan, eds., Elsevier, pp. 129-160, 2024.
Saylan, Y., Altıntaş, Ö., Erdem, Ö., İnci, F., Denizli, A., Overview of Molecular Recognition and the Concept of MIPs, in: Molecularly Imprinted Polymers as Artificial Antibodies for the Environmental Health, S. Patra, M. Sillanpaa, eds., Springer-Nature, pp.1-29, 2024
Göktürk, I., Çimen, D., Yılmaz, F., Denizli, A., Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Based Separation and Purification Techniques, in: Molecularly Imprinted Polymers as Artificial Antibodies for the Environmental Health, S. Patra, M. Sillanpaa, eds., Springer-Nature, pp. 293-318, 2024.
Karagözlü, M., Aşır, S., Türkmen, D., Zdan, A., Hacıoğulları, F., Denizli, A., Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles Based Hybrid Systems for Theranostics, in: Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles for Theranostic Applications, M. Pandey, K. Deshmukh, C.M. Hussain, eds., pp. 173-212, Scrivener Publishing LLC, 2024.
Akgönüllü, S., Denizli, A., Molecularly Imprinted Polymers, in: Nature Inspired Sensors, H. Haick, ed., Elsevier, pp. 249-265,2025.
Çalışır, M., Özgür, E., Denizli, A., Advanced Sensors for Implantable Devices, in: Advanced Sensors for Smart Healthcare, T.A. Nguyen, ed., Elsevier, pp. 375-386, 2025.
Aliyeva, N., Saylan, Y., Denizli, A., Smartphone Based Point of Care Device, in: Advanced Sensors for Smart Healthcare, T.A. Nguyen, ed., Elsevier, pp. 437-454, 2024.
Consultant: “Geleceğe Umutla Bakmak”, TRT, 2007.
1997- Biyokimya Anabilim Dalı Başkanı, Kimya Bölümü, Fen Fakültesi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara
2000-01 Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Araştırma Fonu Uzmanlar Kurulu Üyesi
2000-03 Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Bilim Ödülleri Değerlendirme Komisyonu Üyesi
2000-11 Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Profesörlük ve Doçentlik Atanma Kriterleri İnceleme Komisyonu Üyesi
2001-11 Milli Eğitim Vakfı Özel Ankara Fen Lisesi Bilim Kurulu Üyesi
2007-14 Popüler Bilim Kitapları Yayın Kurulu Üyesi, TÜBİTAK
2008-11 Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Komisyonu Üyesi
2008-12 Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, Telif ve Çeviri Eser Ödülleri, Mühendislik Bilimleri Değerlendirme Komisyonu Başkanı
2008-09 Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi
2008-14 Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Kimya Bölüm Başkanı
2010-11 Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu Başkanlığı, Mükemmeliyet Merkezi Olabilecek Üniversitelerin Seçiminde Kullanılacak Kriterlerin Belirlenmesi ve Ulusal Araştırma Merkezlerinin Kurulması ile ilgili Çalışma Grubu Üyesi
2010-12 Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Müdürü
2010-12 Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Senato Üyesi
2010-14 Sabancı Üniversitesi, Ulusal Nanoteknoloji Araştırma Merkezi Üyesi
2010-15 Bilkent Üniversitesi, Ulusal Nanoteknoloji Araştırma Merkezi Asosiye Üyesi
2011-14 Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, Konsey Üyesi
2017-18 TÜBA-GEBİP Alan Değerlendirme Komite Üyesi
2014-21 Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, Türkçe Bilim Terimleri Sözlüğü, Yürütme Kurulu Üyesi
2014-21 Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, Doğa Bilimleri Terimleri Sözlüğü Yürütücüsü
2015- Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, Yayın Komisyonu Üyesi
2015- Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, Bilim Eğitimi Komisyonu Üyesi
2016-20 Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Bilim Kurulu Üyesi
2018- Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu Başkanlığı, KBRN (Kimyasal, Biyolojik, Radyoaktif ve Nükleer) Çalışma Grubu Üyesi
2019-22 Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Senato Üyesi
2020- T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı, Bilim, Teknoloji ve Yenilik Politikaları Kurulu Biyogüvenlik Çalışma Grubu Üyesi
2021- T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı, Bilim, Teknoloji ve Yenilik Politikaları Kurulu Temel Bilimler Çalışma Grubu Üyesi
2023- T.C. Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu, 100. Yıl TÜBİTAK Bilim, Özel, Hizmet ve Teşvik Ödülleri Temel Bilimler Ödül Komisyon Üyesi