Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Radyasyon Onkolojisi Anabilim Dalı Başkanı Prof. Dr. Gökhan Özyiğit tarafından 12 Kasım 2014 tarihinde Altındağ Belediyesi Gençlik Merkezi’nde verilen konferans ile başlayan “Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi Bilim Söyleşileri” sürüyor.
…Read MoreTrietazine was selectively separated from aqueous solution containing the competitor molecule cyanazine, which is similar in size and shape to the template molecule. Structural features of the molecularly imprinted column were figured out by SEM. The influence of the mobile-phase composition, applied electrical field, and pH of the mobile phase on the recognition of trietazine by the imprinted monolithic polymer has been evaluated, and the imprint effect in the trietazine-imprinted monolithic polymer was demonstrated by an imprinting factor.
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Introduction to this paper... Most chemical and biochemical reactions are catalyzed by natural enzymes with a high degree of specificity and reaction rates under mild conditions (1). Therefore, the creation of artificial catalysts that can provide the catalytic properties of natural enzymes has attracted scientists’ attention. Many attempts to develop enzyme mimics involved the use of host–guest chemistry such as supramolecular complexes (2), cyclodextrins (3), cryptands (4), and crown ethers (5). In addition, functionalized polymers (6), vesicles and micelles (7), artificial polypeptides (8, 9), and catalytic antibodies (10, 11) have been used in this field. Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are other promising materials in the construction of enzyme mimics (12–15).
…Read MoreImmunoaffinity adsorbent for transferrin (Tf) purification was prepared by immobiliz- ing anti-transferrin (Anti-Tf) antibody on magnetic monosizepoly(glycidyl methacrylate) beads, which were synthesized by dispersion polymerization technique in the presence of Fe3O4nanopowder and obtained with an average size of 2.0
…Read MoreÜniversitelerin en önemli görevleri arasında bilim üretmek öncelikli konumdadır. Üniversitelerde görev yapan her bilim insanının en büyük arzusu ise nitelikli bilimsel araştırmalar yapabilmektir. Bilimsel niteliği belirleyen en büyük unsur ise fikrin özgün olmasının yanı sıra sahip olunan laboratuvarın araştırma alt yapısıdır. Laboratuvar alt yapısı ne kadar güçlü, yeni ve çeşitli ise bilimsel üretimin kalitesi sürekli artar ve bilgi üretiminde sürekliliği sağlamak daha mümkün olur.
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