“Bilim Söyleşileri”nin bu ayki konuğu Hacettepe Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi Prof. Dr. Adil Denizli olurken, hedefi de Sincan ve Altındağlı öğrenciler oldu.
Sincan Abdurrahim Karakoç Ortaokulu Konferans Salonu ve Ulucanlar Cezaevi Müzesi Yarı Açık Cezaevi Sinema Salonu’nda öğrencilere iki konferans sunan Hacettepe Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi Prof. Dr. Adil Denizli, Albert Einstein’in “Hayal gücü bilgiden daha değerlidir” sözünü hatırlatarak, “Bir şeyler ortaya koyabilmeniz ve başarabilmeniz için merak etmeniz lazım. Merak ettikçe daha yukarıya gidiyorsunuz. Üniversitelerin temel görevi de budur. Merak ederken biraz da hayal kurmak lazımdır. Gelecekle ilgili bilimsel hayaller çok önemlidir. Ben öğrenci iken çok meraklıydım. Merak edip okudukça ve aklımdaki sorulara yanıtlar bulmaya çalıştıkça bilime olan ilgim daha da arttı” şeklinde konuştu.
…Read MoreNilay Bereli, Deniz Türkmen, Handan Yavuz, Igor Yuri Galaev, and Adil Denizli
Our chapter in Advanced Separations by Specialized Sorbents has been published. Content list as follows.
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Chromatography of Antibodies Using Macroporous Cryogels
2.2.1 Protein A Affinity Chromatography
2.2.2 Histidine Affinity Chromatography
2.2.3 Thiophilic Affinity Chromatography
2.3 Metal-Chelate Affinity Chromatography Using Macroporous Cryogels
2.4 Dye Affinity Chromatography Using Macroporous Cryogels
2.5 Ion-Exchange Chromatography Using Macroporous Cryogels
2.6 Chromatography of DNA Using Macroporous Cryogels
2.7 Chromatography of Living Cells Using Macroporous Cryogels
2.8 Chromatography of Proteins Using Protein-Imprinted Macroporous Cryogels
2.9 Other Chromatographic Applications Using Macroporous Cryogels
2.10 Conclusions
Several affinity-recognition-based polymeric materials have been developed to aid the depletion of highly abundant proteins in serum samples. Among these, cryogels with macroporous structures may be useful in the field of protein depletion. In particular, the requirement to deplete highly abundant proteins prior to proteome investigations makes cryogels attractive for researchers. In the present review, recent developments and applications of affinity-recognition-based polymeric materials and cryogels are reviewed regarding protein depletion.
It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the “9th National Affinity Techniques Symposium” (AFFTECH 2015) and “4th Nanomedicine World Congress (NANOMED 2015)” that will be organize following each other between 6-12 September 2015, to be held in Koycegiz, Mugla, Turkey. The meetings will bring together experts and scientists from academia, industry, and also those involved in funding regulatory and commercial enterprises in this multidisciplinary field, from all disciplines including fundamental sciences, engineering and health sciences and related technologies. The sessions will include keynote and invited lectures on affinity technologies/nanomedicine in an interdisciplinary manner covering different fields of applications. Thematically-related research and development addressing significant problems, current developments, planned research directions and challenges will be presented by leading researchers. There will be also oral, short oral and poster presentations selected from the abstracts to be submitted. Best presentations will also be awarded. ...
…Read MoreKimya derslerinde öğrencilerimizin bilinçlenmesi amacı ile okulumuzda 9 Aralık 2014 günü bir seminer düzenlendik. Seminer katılımcımız Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Kimya Bölümü Biyokimya Anabilim Dalı Başkanı Prof.Dr. Adil DENİZLİ “Nanoteknoloji ve Nanosensörler“konulu sunumunu gerçekleştirdi.
…Read MoreCemil Aydoğan, Kemal Çetin and Adil Denizli
A novel and simple method for preparation of a tentacle-type polymer stationary phase grafted with polyethyleneimine (PEI) anion exchanger was developed for open tubular capillary electrochromatography (OT-CEC) of nucleosides and proteins. The polymeric stationary phase was prepared using 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate (HPMA-Cl)-based reactive monomer. The preparation procedure included pretreatment of the capillary inner wall, silanization, in situ graft polymerization with HPMA-Cl and PEI modification. To compare with the tentacle-type capillary column with PEI functionalization, a monolayer capillary column without PEI functionalization was also prepared. The electrochromatographic characterization of the prepared open tubular column was performed using alkylbenzenes. [...]
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